
hi, this is my blog and i'm ___. it's been around since --/--/-- and this is layout #_. this is a welcome message, fyi.


Firday th 13th.

damn. Damn. DAMN !

i hate this day.
i seriously hate this day.
okay, brief story, here's what happened.

(after school)
--censored-- cried because of th peer pressure(?) of accepting th 'thing'.
--censored-- cried because of JL. (sorry but i find this stupid, btw. he totally deserves it.)
after ShiYun left for dance,
JunHao & QingFu were irritating th hell out of me. bastards.
then Faith left, which left me to be th only girl left in th classroom.
after i changed,
JunHao, QingFu, ShanJing, Glen & Daryl kept pissing me off while doing my boots.
i was seriously holding back my tears, okay ?
screw them luh.
they made me cry on my way down th stairs.
one tear only, though. but it still sucked.
found --censored-- crying by th stairs near th shooting range.
tried to comfort her a bit.
by tht time, i was already having stomachache because of th F&N orange drink.
have to study for a hard test leh.
during footdrills, when we were abt to learn a new drill,
my left foot was suddenly VERY painful.
i felt a lump of muscle, numb, then th surrounding area was FREAKING & STINGINGLY PAINFUL ! T.T
stayed at th bench for th rest of th of th time. T.T
seniors were kind luh, (:
but i seriously wanted to go for th drills.
after everything Eugene & ChongBoon suddenly go to me and say,
tht i purposely fake my foot just so i can slack.
damn them luh. do they think i'm happy tht i'm behind on my drills ?
i broke down at th canteen table with Michelle, Jamie & Faith watching.
also, in th toilet when i was changing.

tht much wrapped everything up luh.
hate today.
i'm gonna drown in my donuts now, byeas !