
hi, this is my blog and i'm ___. it's been around since --/--/-- and this is layout #_. this is a welcome message, fyi.


psychiatrist ? mou, idk. (:

mou. -pouts.

i guess he was pretty mean.
i mean, he isn't usually like tht.
i guess i know him as gentler & distant ?
but he's muy mean all th way.
not just tht incident.
but what he did was going too far.
mou. tht hurt. -pouts.

Sunday class was fun luh. :D
not elaborating. (:
bus`ed home with Jeanette. (:
wow. i'm so happy luh.
i got to talk out my problems two times in one weekend. (:
and tht was th first time she, or practically anybody in church, talked to me.
heheh. she said tht i was always so quiet. :p
well, they all had their own groups.
i didn't want to be an extra.
besides, i'm th only WSSS in tht class or even last year's one.
so yeah.
i just like to listen to ppl's problems & try to help them cope with it.
i guess it also helps me too since i usually relate some of my stories with them.
i like th feeling of being trusted with tht 'secret'.
so i try my best to really help them or at least comfort them.
i've done it to a lot of ppl already.
Jeanette is just one of those few ppl.
tht's why i try to find out more abt someone's life.
if i find a problem, i'd find myself worrying abt tht person.
i'm gonna stop now.
since this is reminding me of a certain bastard.
seriously, i would loooooooove th day when i get him to tell me all his problems.
from my sources, his school life is somehow close to what i am right now.
but his is worse, i know tht.
but someday, someday, i'll get tht mouth to talk to me seriously abt his prolems.
idk know why but ever since i found out abt all those THINGS,
i just seriously want him to talk to me abt it.
argh, maybe i should be a counselor or a psychiatrist. (:
this isn't th first time i thought abt it, hmmm. (x

OMG ! :D:D:D
they said YES !
i can hold a sleepover here ! :D:D:D

farisah! : ehehe, yup. i miss you too luh. :D
gh : hahah. no luh. you try to ask him lor. :D
FAITH. : ahaha. exactly ! see ya there ! :D