
hi, this is my blog and i'm ___. it's been around since --/--/-- and this is layout #_. this is a welcome message, fyi.


NO !

nonono !
i don't want to go on monday ! D:
1)since i'm short, i most probably end up in front !
2)i'm gonna shout out th national anthem and th pledge.
3)i have to stand there for like, so long.
4)i have to wake up early.
5)i have to wear my uniform to school.

(1)well, since th sec1s got their uniforms recently, some of them are actually shorter than me. but th most i'll end up with is 2nd row. D:
(2)some of you might not know, but i don't actually sing or recite th pledge. yeah, found tht out through Eos & Daboy (LOL. WAH ! xD). That's because we're not actually Singaporeans, yeah ?
(3)do you know how numb i can get for tht ? th National Day parade was bad enough.
(4)do i even have to explain why this is one of my reasons ?
(5)well, i'm thinking abt not to. but i'll probably will. since it's super early. LOL.
(6)GATE DUTY IS FREAKING COOL ! one of my favorite duties one leh. lift, assembly and patrol are th other ones.

this is the why`s and their reasons/explainations.
it's been too long tht i haven't updated any fanfics. Dx
thinking of uploading all stories just before my birthday.
which is so far away ! LOL. xD
but since, it's after exams and just before we fly to Aussie(probably),
i think it's reasonable.
yes. we applied for visa already.
if it's approved,
we're flying to Aussie from 31May to June15(?).
they're thinking of moving there.
to hell with it.
vacation is just fine, not moving.
do you know how hard it is to restart life all over again.
hmm, might postpone th part-time job hunting with Eos,
if we fly there.
LOL. i was looking forward to it, okay ?
i'm gonna get paid, who wouldn't want tht ?!
hope you get better soon, Ralph.
i'm sorry to say this but i'm, with Eos here.
think abt it,
if you jump off a buliding.
not many ppl will call you daring and brave.
but they WILL call you stupid.
you gets ?
i know you gets, Eos.
let's get Maan to heal him, yeah ? (x
lizhen: not exactly. more like, how they organize 2B. umm, hard to explain leh. you get it or not ?